About Indie Tarot
Welcome to Indie Tarot
Our mission is...
To support a more expansive and nuanced collective consciousness and vision of the tarot through centering and honouring queer, trans and BIPOC creators. We aim to make their independently produced tarot decks, oracle decks, and related creations accessible to EU customers.
Our guiding principles - What we stand for
- We are queer run and committed to the reduction of suffering in the way we live and run our business.
- We look to challenge our own white supremacy wherever we find it.
- We work to build positive working relationships with creators, our team and our amazing customers.
- We source products in a way that celebrates the diversity of LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC voices. Read why here.
- We choose individual and collective sustainability which is reflected in our pacing, packaging and general approach to business
- We support queer, trans, and BIPOC communities and human rights and donate a portion of profits to organisations which actively support these. Read more about the organisation we support here.
Why shop Indie Tarot?
By supporting Indie Tarot...
- You get some of the finest, freshest independently created tarot decks and spiritual tools available.
- You support a vision of tarot that is expansive, nuanced, diverse and inclusive.
- You support LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC artists and livelihoods.
- You support queer, trans and BIPOC communities and human rights.
We strive to operate with full transparency. For all questions related to shipping and returns, please see the FAQ page.
The team
Indie Tarot is based in the Netherlands.
Skylar (they/them)

Trish (she/her)

A tarot novice with a nerdy, creative, adventurous soul. Skylar's partner who spends time helping with administrative support, packing and shipping and wrangling the zoo.
The zoo
Our magical feline helpers who provide quality control and assistance as we work.